Halloween Femme Fatale

Since SL seem to have swallowed the outfit I had planned to blog today, I have given into the Halloween spirit for this post. It is only in SL I really show any interest in celebrating Halloween, as we have out own tradition here in the spring. However I must agree, that there is some really great and interesting costumes out there. Since I passed by Collarbor88 for some great bargains, I stumbled over this great dress with laces on the top. It doesn't have to be used as a costime, but it is perfect to give it as an eccentric femme fatale or maybe a vampire or both. It comes in other colors as well, so it doesn't have to be all black for Halloween

Dress: ISON - Amelia lace gown - Black (Collabor88)
Hair: Clawtooth - Windswept - Bombshell Blonde (Collabor88)
Shoes: N-core SUBLIME - Black
Eye Makeup: Corvus - Fighter Eyeshadow
Pose: Diesel Works - Diva21
Location: Skye Elgol
