More news from Fantasy Faire 2021

Fantasy Faire 2021 has been running for a while now and with 21 sims there has been more than enough to see and indulge in. I wanted to share a few snaps from the Farelands and events.

Light show from DJ ColeMarie

As a DJ, I am always interested in catching sets from some of the greatest. The light shows from ColeMarie is always popular. Sadly I sabotaged myself by trying to optimize my settings, to only see friends. Which also meant ColeMarie and all her lights poofed. Took a while to get back, but I did manage to take pic from the show live at Somniatoris Arx. Before making people poof on my screen, it was just as entertaining to look at everyone else there, in their fantasy outfits, from giants to fairies and dark creators I could not name.

Ying Yang

Ying Yang sponsored by Gabriel - A stunning Asian build sim, complete with a Chinese dragon of course. beautiful details that invites you to dream of times and places far far away.

Peaville Goes Nuts

Peavillle Goes Nuts sponsored by Sweet Revolutions & Telperion Design - I highly recommend you go take a stroll here and follow the story walk. You will get the cutest fairytale about Princiss Philomena Pea and Prince Prosperus Peanut. I shall not reveal if there is a happy ending, but there is plenty of pea puns and cute scenes for each chapter :)


Featherfall sponsored by Abranimations - This place makes me smile so much. It is a super cute litte knitted world. As you can see from the pic, everyone is textured like it was knitted. Trees, houses, even the little habitants and, everything connected by a rainbow thread going through the world.

Keep updated on events

There are many, many other events going through out the farelands and lots to see on each and every sim. Be sure to check them out. You can keep updated on the official website and event schedule.

Don't forget about the Silent Auction. it has been extended by a week to give people more time to check out the amazing items you can bid on. Everything raised at the auctions go to benefit Relay for Life as well.

I have previously made a post about Fantasy Faire 2021, with more snaps from the sims and info, that you can read here.
